Dear committee
Last year I applied for a micro loan to buy a property that cost $30,000 and I want to do some improvements like put a sewage system on it for a total direct loan of 50k and operational loan for 298,000. I wanted to do container farming and sell my produce to a nearby military base which had set asides for mbe contractors.
After nine months my loan was finally killed. It was not that I was not credit worthy it was not that I did not have farming experience (although that took an addl 30 days to prove even though I submitted everything). No my farming operation died at the complete bureaucratic bungling of paperwork and personal meddling to keep people out of their county.
I was told I could only have an FSA appraiser but then I found out that wasn’t the truth and then the appraiser knew nothing about container farming or new ag tech farming therefore he did not even appraise the loan correctly they wanted me to put in $30,000 for my loan.
As a new farmer if I had $30,000 I would’ve brought the property in the first place and then figured out how to just save enough money or get a different personal loan—- because you cannot buy anything with a direct loan if you’re a woman or you’re a minority or you’re a new farmer because even though there’s $9 billion set aside is impossible to get them to give you the loan. My loans were the easiest possible and still no. Btw. The property sold as soon as the buyer got sick of waiting for me to close. It was listed back on the market for over DOUBLE what my offer was accepted at back in august 2021.
So now I file a discrimination lawsuit against the USDA and what will that do? it won’t help me to get my farming dream happening right now but all it will do is take money out of the system and the same government worker secure in their job, and self-centered /serving employees that you have working for the farm service agency will continue to do nothing and get paid to do it.
You want to change hunger in this country yet the loan system to help new farmers is BROKEN.
j Harp